Journal #59, 2/2019



How Is the EAZA Great Ape TAG Linked to in situ Conservation?

Modern zoos are institutions that contribute towards conservation education through the conservation and research of living beings and their natural…


Efficient Cooking Stoves for the Population at Mt. Tshiaberimu

Currently the supply of electric power covers less than 30 % of the energy and is available only for a small percentage of the population in eastern…


Bamboo Cultivation in the Vicinity of Mt. Tshiaberimu

In order to preserve the ecosystems of Mount Tshiaberimu, Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe has made it its duty to keep up its support for this…


Critical Forest Corridor for Cross River Gorillas Threatened

Protecting forest corridors that allow movement and genetic exchange between Cross River gorilla subpopulations and groups is critical to their…


Protection of the Cross River Gorillas in Takamanda

The Takamanda National Park is not only a home to many of the endangered Cross River gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli), but also to people. Currently,…


Backing the Silverback

Fundraising for in situ conservation at the Zoological and Botanical Garden Wilhelma in Stuttgart

These days, most zoos make an enormous and steadily…


Stay or leave? Female Reproductive Costs in Western Gorillas

Western gorillas live in social groups that consist of one silverback, several females and immature offspring. Females rely on the silverback who,…


Progress at GRACE Amid Serious Challenges

The past two years have proven challenging for the Gorilla Rehabilitation and Conservation Education (GRACE) Center, the world's only sanctuary for…
