Journal #43, 2/2011


conservation in the Maïko National Park (MNP) remains difficult: the intensity of threats to the park has not decreased. It is an enormous challenge to keep these threats and their consequences within acceptable limits. One of the main threats to the fauna and flora of the park is the commercial exploitation of...

Download Journal No. 43

Law Enforcement Ensures Great Ape Survival

Rangers on patrol in the Sarambwe Reserve (© Augustin Rwimo)

Recent studies show that the populations of African great apes are rapidly decreasing. To prevent this, conservationists always try to find out which…


Tree Nurseries in Schools

Students in the tree nursery (© Augustin Rwimo)

Can they Make a Contribution to Conservation?

Everything developed as a result of lessons learnt from two concurrent projects: the project for the…


Mondberge visits Ruhija

[Translate to EN:] Gorilla bei Ruhija (©

Uganda, June 2011: After our fascinat­ing hike through the Ruwenzoris and a short safari in the Queen Elizabeth National Park we were looking forward…


Searching for Solutions to the Threats to Maiko

[Translate to EN:] Camp von Minenarbeitern an der Grenze des Parks

Conservation in the Maiko National Park (MNP) remains difficult: the intensity of threats to the park has not decreased. It is an enormous challenge…


Maiko and the Simba

[Translate to EN:] Illegale Mine im Park

The Maiko National Park (MNP) is one of the least known and most biodiverse of all parks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo comprising over…


Key Species Monitoring Plan for Kahuzi-Biega

[Translate to EN:] Gorilla-Familien

A monitoring plan for gorillas and elephants has just been launched in the highland sector of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (KBNP). Its pur­pose is…


Orphaned Gorilla Care

[Translate to EN:] Jan Ramer, rechts, bei der Untersuchung von Shamavu

Gorilla confiscations are on the rise in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. So far this year 3 eastern lowland, or Grauer’s gorillas have been…


New Gorilla Orphan Confiscated


A new orphan gorilla infant arrived in the night on Sunday, August 7th, 2011, at the care facility in Kinigi, Rwanda operated by the Dian Fossey…


The 2011 Kwita Izina

[Translate to EN:] Aufführung bei der Kwita Izina

Rwanda demonstrates how much the country values its few remaining mountain gorillas. Every year, Kwita Izina is celebrated in June. All mountain…


Feeding Ecology of Sympatric Apes

[Translate to EN:] Ein Gorilla-Silberrückenmann auf der Suche nach Früchten in Loango.

Examining dietary composition and overlap between species living within the same environment is important for improving our understanding of their…


Information Sharing for Gorilla Conservation: a Workshop in Ruhija

[Translate to EN:] Die Teilnehmer des Gorillaschutz-Workshops

Gorilla conservationists and re­search­ers working on the ground at different sites often face the challenge of accessing valuable yet unpublished…
