
As gorillas are very closely related to humans, most diseases can be transmitted between the two species. Wherever gorillas live in close proximity to people, their intestines have been found to contain a considerably higher number of human parasites than are present in “wild” gorilla populations.



The most dangerous diseases are those against which gorillas have no antibodies. For example, respiratory diseases are a big problem for mountain gorillas. Scabies can also be dangerous. In the western lowland gorillas, Ebola has recently caused a particularly high number of casualties.



Respiratory diseases are caused by viruses; transmission mostly takes place through droplet infection during sneezing. This is why people who visit the gorillas are required to wear breathing masks in some national parks. The mites that cause scabies are usually transmitted to the gorillas by domestic animals that range close to gorilla habitat. In the case of Ebola, the path of transmission has not yet been fully determined. It is assumed that gorillas catch the disease when they eat fruit on which infected fruit bats have left traces of saliva or faeces.

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The Gorilla Doctors Michael Cranfield Regional One Health Laboratory

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Understanding Visitors at Tourist Sites to Protect Great Apes from Disease

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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mountain Gorilla Health

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Bushmeat and COVID-19; What Is the Connection?

The Simple Connection: Emerging Zoonotic Diseases and Human Health

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COVID-19 in Gorillas

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COVID-19 in Captive Gorillas

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COVID-19 Pandemic Cripples Community Livelihoods

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Zoonoses and Apes

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Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Gorillas at Bwindi

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[Translate to Englisch:]

When Astrid Ebert and Thomas Schulz visited Bwindi National Park and its gorillas 10 years ago, they were delighted. In view of the Corona pandemic…


COVID-19 and Gorilla Doctors

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Never before have we understood the concept of One Health more…


Can Gorillas Be Infected with COVID-19?

Many gorilla friends have already asked themselves this question. So far, the answer is not yet known. However, since many other viruses are dangerous…


Silverback Sagas: Dominance Struggles Among Male Gorillas

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Tribute to Kanyonyi

It is with great sadness to inform you about the loss of one of my favorite gorillas in Bwindi, Kanyonyi, the lead silverback of Mubare group. He died…


A One Health Approach to Gorilla Conservation

"One Health" is an approach that addresses human, animal and ecosystem health together. We founded Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) in 2003…


Ebola Reduces Bushmeat Consumption

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Geriatric Gorillas

[Translate to Englisch:] Colo

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Gorillas and Other Primates Discussed in Nairobi

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Blood Samples from Tshiaberimu Gorillas

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Human Metapneumovirus Infection

Mararo grooming her sick son Impundu (© Magdalena Braum)

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Employee Health in Kahuzi-Biega

A ranger has his EHP health check (© MGVP)

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Bacterial Exchange

Members of the Rushegura group visiting a lodge in Buhoma (© Uwe Kribus)

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Possible Goundou in Gorillas

Specimen A (© Colin Groves)

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Ape Research and Tourism

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Gorilla Deaths Spark Fears at Mount Tshiaberimu

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Ebola - from Bats to Gorillas

Respiratory Diseases in Mountain Gorillas

Sudden Great Ape Die-Off

Where are the Gorillas?

Diseases Shared by Gorillas and Humans

Bushmeat and People’s Health

Conservation Through Public Health

Scabies in Bwindi

Endoparasites in Gorillas and Humans

Scabies in Bwindi Gorillas