The Impact of Kinship on Social Relationships between Immatures and the Silverback
Western lowland gorillas usually live in one-male groups, consisting of one dominant male (a silverback), several females and their offspring. For…
[details]Western lowland gorillas usually live in one-male groups, consisting of one dominant male (a silverback), several females and their offspring. For…
[details]Western lowland gorilla ranges are in general larger than those of mountain gorillas - this has been the general opinion among researchers for a long…
[details]The concept of net energy balance is familiar to all of us: we eat too many calories and we gain weight; we exercise a lot without changing caloric…
[details]Protected areas aim to conserve wildlife - particularly large, charismatic species like gorillas - while benefiting local communities. But in tropical…
[details]Tropical rainforests are characterized by seasonal fluctuations in fruit availability with important inter-annual variations in tree productivity.…
[details]Gorillas live sympatrically with chimpanzees in most of their distribution area, but there are only a few sites where both species have been…
[details]Although gorilla distribution and habitat use are fairly well known for many gorilla populations in Cameroon, very little is known concerning the Ebo…
[details]In 2019, in Loango National Park, Gabon, we observed two lethal coalitionary attacks by chimpanzees on gorillas, with each attack lasting approximatly…
[details]The Maiombe National Park (MNP) covers a large part of the Maiombe forest component of Angola, an area of some 1,930 km² in Cabinda Province, an…
[details]Simon 'Kupe' Ngwese, better known as 'Kupe Cowboy', lived a full life. Born in around 1940, to a poor family in Kupe village, near Tombel,…
[details]Despite the efforts of conservation NGOs and research teams, the expansion of anthropogenic activities such as bushmeat hunting, logging, and…
[details]The Government of Cameroon has proposed two Forest Management Units (FMU) for timber exploitation which completely cover the proposed Ebo National…
[details]Equatorial Guinea's forests maintain some of the highest levels of biodiversity in Central Africa (Sunderland 2005). Despite its small size, the…
[details]Western gorillas live in social groups that consist of one silverback, several females and immature offspring. Females rely on the silverback who,…
[details]Great ape populations in Africa and Asia are severely threatened by the combined impacts of habitat loss, poaching, illegal trade, and disease. Since…
[details]A recent study unveils some of the enigmas associated with the social behaviour of the western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) from the…
[details]Gorillas were 'discovered' in the Ebo forest in 2002 (Morgan et al. 2003) and since then the Zoological Society of San Diego's Ebo Forest Research…
[details]The Ebo forest is one of the largest remaining intact forest tracts in the Gulf of Guinea Biodiversity Hotspot (Morgan et al. 2011) and it is in the…
[details]In many primate species individuals coordinate their activities, share space and form groups. But how do groups form, how long can they exist and how…
[details]In a paper published in the journal Science Advances, Samantha Strindberg, Fiona Maisels and 52 coauthors provide the most comprehensive assessment to…
[details]Cameroon is home to many primate species of high conservation value, including drills, Preuss's red colobus, and gorillas (Morgan et al. 2011). Both…
[details]Abdourahamane Sidibé, a major wildlife trafficker of Guinean nationality, was arrested on 18 February 2017 in Conakry in a special operation by…
[details]At the end of January 2016 the Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas complex in the Central African Republic recorded the first ever western lowland gorilla…
[details]The conservation action plan for western lowland gorillas and central chimpanzees identifies 18 priority landscapes (IUCN 2014). One of them is the…
[details]Two components of gorilla conservation are research and tourism. Research provides the baseline information concerning the natural ecological and…
[details]African tropical rainforests, the second most important biodiversity refuge after the Amazonian basin, host a multitude of plant species. The majority…
[details]San Diego Zoo Global conservationists working with video traps have confirmed the presence of a small troop of western gorillas in Ebo Forest.…
[details]Tropical deforestation is well known to have serious negative consequences for biodiversity, terrestrial carbon sinks and the balance of atmospheric…
[details]Most of the world’s gorillas and about one-third of all chimpanzees live in Western Equatorial Africa: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial…
[details]The Ebo forest in Littoral Region, Cameroon harbours a rich biodiversity of primates, including gorillas and chimpanzees. The government of Cameroon…
[details]Accurate population assessments of endangered species are of great importance for determining conservation priorities and measuring the success of…
[details]The Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas (DSPA), located in the southwestern Central African Republic (CAR) and the northern edge of the Congo basin, is…
[details]Gorillas spend the major part of their life in small social groups led by a mature silverback male. Only young blackback males and mature silverback…
[details]The Mayombe forest ("Maiombe" in Angola. "Mayombe" in Congo and DRC, and as agreed in the transfrontier context, and "Mayumba in Gabon), stretching…
[details]In 2000, WCS Senior Conservationist, and National Geographic explorer, Mike Fay set off on his now famous MegaTransect through the forests of Central…
[details]Designated in 1988 under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program, Dimonika Biosphere Reserve is located in the central Mayombe Mountain chain in the…
[details]In recent years, the trafficking of Africa's apes has evolved into a highly organized criminal activity, but the situation has remained largely…
[details]The Bambidie Gorilla Project (BGP), founded in 2008, aims to preserve a population of western lowland gorillas, between the villages of…
Equatorial Guinea is experiencing a dramatic oil-fuelled economic boom which over the last decade has increased incomes, encouraged urban migration…
[details]The Primate Habituation Programme (PHP) in the Central African Republic is an integral part of the conservation activities of Dzanga-Sangha Protected…
[details]The Mayombe forest, part of the Guineo-Congolian biome, forms the south-western part of the tropical rainforest in the Congo Basin, and the southern…
Near the Ebo forest, Bethan Morgan and Ekwoge Enang Abwe are starting to develop “Clubs des Amis des Gorilles” in each of the villages closest to the…
[details]Examining dietary composition and overlap between species living within the same environment is important for improving our understanding of their…
[details]The critical situation of the elephants and the great apes, and their role in the regeneration of the tropical forest, are well documented and…
[details]Two men were recently arrested in the Kabo forestry concession in northern Republic of Congo for hunting a gorilla. The hunt was carried out during…
[details]Over the last 12 years, UK-charity The Aspinall Foundation has been running a unique western lowland gorilla rehabilitation and reintroduction project…
[details]Since 2003, we have been trying to habituate western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) for the purpose of scientific research in Moukalaba-Doudou…
[details]As the world's oil reserves continue to decline, interest from major petroleum companies in the largely unexploited reserves of African oil increases.…
[details]In March/April 2008 I visited the mountain gorillas in Uganda (Bwindi Impenetrable National Park) and Rwanda (Volcanoes National Park). In Kibale…