Virunga National Park

Oil versus Forest in the Congo

In April 2022, Greenpeace reported that the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo planned to auction off concessions for the extraction…


Why Rangers in the Virunga National Park Are Under Attack

Another Attack on Rangers in the Virunga National Park

On 10 January 2021, 6 rangers lost their lives in an attack by armed…


Strengthened Human-Wildlife Conflict Measures Restore Hope in the Virungas

Regardless of the scotching sun and laborious work, a delighted face is the perfect description of Jean Bosco Ntawukibiwabo, as he works on a 3 m deep…


More Rangers Killed in Virunga National Park

During a rebel attack on 9 April 2018, five rangers and a driver were killed. Another ranger was wounded. The team was ambushed while driving through…


Virunga Park Again Threatened by Oil

Conservationists had hoped that Virunga National Park has been granted a reprieve after the 2015 withdrawal of the oil company SOCO who had wanted to…


The Virunga Communications Post Installation

Security problems in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo, have been a severe danger for the park's wildlife and its forests,…


Oil Exploration in Virunga Park

In 2013, WWF started the campaign "Draw the Line" to stop the British oil company SOCO's explorations for oil in the Virunga National Park, Democratic…


The Economic Value of Virunga Park

In response to the granting of oil concessions in Virunga National Park (Virunga) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), WWF launched a…


Gorilla Orphans in D. R. Congo

Jan Ramer examines wounds on Ndakasi’s hand. (© Molly Feltner/MGVP)

Mountain Gorilla Orphans

On November 23, 2010, 9-year-old female Maisha and 7-year-old male Kaboko moved from the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary…


Senkwekwe Centre

[Translate to EN:] Ndeze und Ndakasi im Senkwekwe-Zentrum

The two mountain gorilla orphans Ndeze and Ndakasi grew up in a house in Goma - a town full of dust and noise. These are certainly not suitable…


Emergency Funding in Virunga

Mikeno rangers with snares they collected during a patrol in January 2009 (© IGCP)

From early 2007, security in mountain gorilla habitats has been highly volatile due to the long-lasting war in the eastern Democratic Republic of the…


Severe Problems in Virunga National Park

History of the Rugendo Family

Conservation Law Enforcement Training

Acute Danger for the Virunga Park

Two Young Gorillas Killed in Jomba