Sarambwe Reserve

Mainly supported in recent years by:

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Conservation status:
Special Reserve

9 km²

mountain gorillas from Bwindi

Gorilla tourism:
not possible

Sarambwe under Occupation

Involving the population in conservation
Conservation and protection of biodiversity in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo are subject to…


The Beekeeping Project in Sarambwe Nature Reserve

Support for this project was requested because of strong demand from the local population of Rutshuru and Nyiragongo and the city of Goma, due to a…


Rearing Chickens

We reported on the efforts of the Sarambwe trackers to ensure the conservation of the reserve and asked for donations to thank them for the good work.…


10 October 2021

A Year of Protection of the Sarambwe Nature Reserve by Trackers Unsupported by Rangers: Results and Lessons Learnt

The protection of protected areas…


Sarambwe: A Year without Rangers – but not without Protection!

On 10 October 2020, a ranger was killed during an attack on the Sarambwe ranger post – we reported it at the time. The national park authority ICCN…


Restoration of Sarambwe Ranger Post and Current Activities

The Sarambwe ranger post was attacked during the evening of 10 October 2020 by a Mai Mai group operating in the vicinity of Sarambwe. A few days…


Deadly Attack on the Sarambwe Ranger Post (closed)

In this article we will give an overview of the management of Sarambwe Nature Reserve (SNR) and a history of the attacks that have taken place in the…


The Sarambwe Nature Reserve after the Demarcation of the International Border

In our last article (Gorilla Journal 58) we wrote about our hope that the encroachment of the Sarambwe Nature Reserve (SNR) by Ugandan farmers in…


Communities in Sarambwe

It is not easy to convince the local population of the benefits of nature conservation if the living conditions are as difficult as they are in the…


Population of Bwindi Gorillas Increases to 459 Animals

Taking into account the latest census from Bwindi-Sarambwe, and including the figures for Virunga gorillas from the 2015-2016 census, the global total…


End in Sight for the Conflict over the Sarambwe Nature Reserve

The Sarambwe Nature Reserve is well known for its location on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and its contiguity…


International Primatological Society Meeting in Nairobi

From 19-25 August 2018, the biannual conference of the International Primatological Society, organised by Johannes Refisch (GRASP), took place in the…


Can Micro-Projects Promote Conservation?

The Sarambwe Reserve and Mount Tshiaberimu are two refuges for gorillas near the central and northern part of the Virunga National Park, conserving…


Conservation and Sensitization Activities at Sarambwe Reserve: April 2016 to March 2017

In the Sarambwe Reserve, conservation and sensitization activities have been carried out mainly by the trackers and the troops based in Sarambwe (a…


Development Activities in the Vicinity of the Sarambwe Reserve

Located close to Virunga National Park, the Sarambwe Reserve and Mount Tshiaberimu are two threatened sites where gorillas still occur. As ecotourism…


The Sarambwe Reserve: Current Developments and Threats

This article documents activities implemented in the Sarambwe Reserve and the almost continuous threats to the conservation of the reserve. It is…


Conservation in Sarambwe Returns to Normal

The Sarambwe Reserve is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, adjacent to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. Since the arrival of…


Restoration in Eastern Congo

Trackers in front of the Sarambwe patrol post that cannot be used at the moment (© Claude Sikubwabo)

The rebel group M23 stopped fighting at the beginning of November 2013 and gave up. They had been fighting the Congolese army in eastern Congo for…


The Sarambwe Reserve and the War

[Translate to Englisch:] Claude Sikubwabo mit Sarambwe-Wildhütern

It has been approximately two decades since Sarambwe Forest descended into chaos, with the potential to end in the degradation of its ecosystems or…


Planting Trees for Gorilla Conservation

[Translate to EN:] Schüler in der Baumschule (© Augustin Rwimo)

The population of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo depends on charcoal for cooking. To obtain it, they cut large areas of forest, even in…


Tree Nurseries in Schools

Students in the tree nursery (© Augustin Rwimo)

Can they Make a Contribution to Conservation?

Everything developed as a result of lessons learnt from two concurrent projects: the project for the…


Sarambwe Reserve Support Project by VONA

[Translate to EN:] Patrouille entlang der Grenze des Sarambwe-Reservats

The Sarambwe Reserve Integrated Management Support Project ran from 2009 to early 2011. The project was funded by IUCN France and B&RD and implemented…


Signs of Success in Sarambwe

Discussion between the population, VONA, ICCN and MONUSCO in Satambwe (© Claude Sikubwabo)

Conservation of the Sarambwe Reserve has faced many difficulties for many years: security problems, invasions of foreign nationals, and a lack of…


Exclusion from Sarambwe

Map of the Sarambwe Reserve with places mentioned in the article (© Angela Meder, adapted from a map by WWF/PeVi)

Five protected areas within the <link internal-link>Virunga landscape are of great value, both from a conservation and tourism perspective. These areas are the Virunga…


Emergency Funding in Virunga

Mikeno rangers with snares they collected during a patrol in January 2009 (© IGCP)

From early 2007, security in mountain gorilla habitats has been highly volatile due to the long-lasting war in the eastern Democratic Republic of the…


Conservation in Sarambwe

This motorcycle was donated with funds of the Apenheul Primate Conservation Trust (© Claude Sikubwabo Kiyengo)

From its establishment in 1952 the Rutshuru Hunting Reserve included the Sarambwe hills until its recognition as the Sarambwe Special Reserve in 1998.…


Food for Patrols

For their patrols in the Sarambwe Reserve during one year the rangers were provided with food rations.


Binoculars for the rangers

For their work in the Sarambwe Reserve the rangers received two high-quality binoculars.


Uniforms for the Virunga National Park and the Sarambwe Reserve

[Translate to EN:] Uniformen für den Virunga-Nationalpark und das Sarambwe-Reservat (© Claude Sikubwabo)

The rangers of the Mikeno Sector and the Sarambwe Reserve received complete uniforms with patches.


The Sarambwe Gorilla Special Reserve

Sarambwe Protection