Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary


Conservation status:
wildlife sanctuary

19 km²

1700–2000 m

20–25 Cross River gorillas

Gorilla tourism:
not possible

Cross River Gorilla Video

The Wildlife Conservation Society caught a group of Cross River gorillas on video for the first time - in the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary, Cameroon.



A GIS Habitat Map for the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary, Cameroon

Kagwene monitoring (© Ymke Warren)

The Cross River gorilla is the most endangered of all great ape taxa, and its rare and increasingly fragmented populations continue to be threatened…


Repair of the Solar Power System


The WCS research camp and eco-guard post perched on the forest edge at 1,800 m above sea level. Cross River gorilla monitoring and protection activities are coordinated from this camp. (© WCS, Aaron Nicholas)

The government of Cameroon announced on the 3rd of April 2008 the creation of the world's first sanctuary exclusively for the Cross River gorilla, and…


World's Rarest Gorilla Finds Sanctuary

The WCS research camp and eco-guard post perched on the forest edge at 1,800 m above sea level. Cross River gorilla monitoring and protection activities are coordinated from this camp. (© WCS, Aaron Nicholas)

The government of Cameroon announced on the 3rd of April 2008 the creation of the world's first sanctuary exclusively for the Cross River gorilla, and…


Genetic Analysis in the Cross River Gorilla

Habitat Protection for Cross River Gorillas