Strengthening Transboundary Conservation of Cross River Gorillas
Restricted to the rainforest region along the border between Nigeria and Cameroon, the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli is Africa's most…
[details]Restricted to the rainforest region along the border between Nigeria and Cameroon, the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli is Africa's most…
[details]In a previous article, we documented bushmeat trafficking out of West/Central Africa for sale in underground markets in Europe and North America.…
[details]Hunting often devastates populations of large mammals, and this may have impact on other animal and plant communities. In two recent studies (Effiom…
[details]Cross River gorillas face diverse threats resulting from high human population densities around the areas they inhabit. Efforts to save these gorillas…
From March to August 2009, surveys were conducted to evaluate the status of gorillas and other diurnal primates and their habitat at four gorilla…
As part of our efforts to improve the protection of the critically endangered Cross River Gorilla in Nigeria, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) aims…
The government of Cameroon announced on the 3rd of April 2008 the creation of the world's first sanctuary exclusively for the Cross River gorilla, and…
[details]For their patrols in the Sarambwe Reserve during one year the rangers were provided with food rations.
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<link en journal issues journal-no-38 external-link-new-window>Additional Support when the Going…
In Bumaji (Cross River National Park) a new patrol post for the ranger was funded by us.
[details]February 2001