
Distribution and Habitat Use of Gorillas in the Ebo Forest

Although gorilla distribution and habitat use are fairly well known for many gorilla populations in Cameroon, very little is known concerning the Ebo…


Conservation in the Crisis Region of Cameroon

This year, the Norwegian Refugee Council placed Cameroon in the top spot for the world's forgotten crises. The conservation of the Cross River…


Obituary to Kupe Cowboy

Simon 'Kupe' Ngwese, better known as 'Kupe Cowboy', lived a full life. Born in around 1940, to a poor family in Kupe village, near Tombel,…


Gorillas of the Ebo Forest Threatened by Proposed Forest Management Units for Timber Exploitation

The Government of Cameroon has proposed two Forest Management Units (FMU) for timber exploitation which completely cover the proposed Ebo National…


Protection of the Cross River Gorillas in Takamanda

The Takamanda National Park is not only a home to many of the endangered Cross River gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli), but also to people. Currently,…


First Video Footage of the Elusive Ebo Gorillas in Cameroon

Gorillas were 'discovered' in the Ebo forest in 2002 (Morgan et al. 2003) and since then the Zoological Society of San Diego's Ebo Forest Research…


Clubs des Amis des Gorilles in the Ebo Forest

The Ebo forest is one of the largest remaining intact forest tracts in the Gulf of Guinea Biodiversity Hotspot (Morgan et al. 2011) and it is in the…


Conserving the Ebo Gorillas through Community Collaboration

Cameroon is home to many primate species of high conservation value, including drills, Preuss's red colobus, and gorillas (Morgan et al. 2011). Both…


Strengthening Transboundary Conservation of Cross River Gorillas

Restricted to the rainforest region along the border between Nigeria and Cameroon, the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli is Africa's most…


Survey of the Cross River Gorilla at the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary in Cameroon

In January 2014 I started to study the ecology of Cross River gorillas at the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary (THWS) in collaboration with the local…


The "Walk through the Dja"

The conservation action plan for western lowland gorillas and central chimpanzees identifies 18 priority landscapes (IUCN 2014). One of them is the…


First Videos of Ebo Gorillas

San Diego Zoo Global conservationists working with video traps have confirmed the presence of a small troop of western gorillas in Ebo Forest.…


Gorilla Folk Filmmaking in the Cross River Headwaters

In the Lebialem highlands of Southwest Cameroon, people say that if a hunter kills a gorilla, a person (often a village notable) dies. Connected by a…


Videos with and about Cross River Gorillas

Rare Footage of Cross River Gorillas Captured by the Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society set up camera traps in the…


Community-led Conservation Action in the Ebo Forest, Cameroon

ACTRIFE family photo after the general assembly at Douala

The Ebo forest in Littoral Region, Cameroon harbours a rich biodiversity of primates, including gorillas and chimpanzees. The government of Cameroon…


Oil Palm Plantations in Africa

The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) has its origin in West Africa. Palm oil is a common cooking ingredient in equatorial Africa, Southeast Asia and parts…


Cameroon Loses a Cross River Gorilla

On March 1, 2013, the Cameroon conservation community was taken aback when news reached them about the brutal killing of a silverback male of the…


Tree Nesting in Mawambi Hills Gorillas

Mawambi is a 43 km² lowland forest site, also known as Takpe/Awuri, located to the southeast of the Takamanda National Park in Cameroon. The Ma­wambi…


Shifting Trend of Ape Trafficking

Wildlife law enforcement operation in East of Cameroon led to arrest of traffickers in gorilla parts. (© LAGA)

In recent years, the trafficking of Afri­ca's apes has evolved into a highly organized criminal activity, but the situation has remained largely…


Gorilla Guardian Update

Takpe chief receiving WCS in the community (© WCS/Takamanda-Mone Landscape Project)

The Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) is Critically Endangered, with perhaps fewer than 250 individuals remaining within their range, which…


Action Plan for Cross River Gorillas

Cross River gorilla Action Plan workshop session (© Sean Southey)

In 2007 IUCN published a five-year (2007–2011) regional Action Plan for the conservation of the Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli (Oates et…


Club des Amis des Gorilles

His Majesty the Paramount Chief of Ndokbiakat (the Ebo region) addressing delegates at the first Ebo Chief’s meeting, in June 2011 (© ZSSD/Abwe Abwe)

An isolated population of gorillas lives in the Ebo forest, Cameroon, between the Cross River gorillas and the western lowland gorillas south of the…


New Gorilla Guardians in Cameroon (closed)

[Translate to EN:] Gorillahüter-Kandidaten (© Amelia Stott, WCS Takamanda-Mone Landscape Project)

The Cross River gorillas in Cameroon need our help again! We received a request from Christopher Jameson, the Director of the WCS project for the…


Cross River Gorilla Video

The Wildlife Conservation Society caught a group of Cross River gorillas on video for the first time - in the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary, Cameroon.



Ebo: Clubs des Amis des Gorilles (closed)

Near the Ebo forest, Bethan Morgan and Ekwoge Enang Abwe are starting to develop “Clubs des Amis des Gorilles” in each of the villages closest to the…


Annelies Begas: Limbe 2010

[Translate to EN:] Limbe, Kamerun (© Annelies Begas)

In March/April 2008 I visited the mountain gorillas in Uganda (Bwindi Impenetrable National Park) and Rwanda (Volcanoes National Park). In Kibale…


Tribute to Ymke Warren

Ymke Warren during her observation of the mountain gorillas in Rwanda

We are grateful for this opportunity to shed a little light on an exceptional life that was dedicated to the study and conservation of Africa's…


Gorillas of the Ebo Forest - Conservation

Map of the proposed Ebo National Park (© Angela Meder, adapted from a map by Bethan Morgan)

In November 2002 a population of gorillas was "discovered" in the Ebo forest of southwestern Cameroon, less than 100 km north of the Sanaga River…


Gorilla Guardians in Cameroon 2009

Peter Tipa, Moses Takia and hunter Prince Ebole with a gorilla nest (© WCS Takamanda-Mone Landscape Project, Cameroon)

Faced with the challenge of improving the monitoring of unprotected Cross River gorilla sites in Cameroon, the Gorilla Guardian community-based…


Additional Support for Cameroon

Survey team getting ready to depart (© Aaron Nicholas, WCS TMLP)

When viewed on a clear day from a rocky mountain top high above the montane forest cloaked slopes of the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary, the landscape in…


Genetic Diversity: Cross River Gorillas

Distribution of the Cross River Gorilla (© Angela Meder, mit Informationen von Rich Bergl)

Conservation research on gorillas has, to date, mainly focused on demographic factors, human impacts, and the influence of disease. Genetic data have…


The Power of Local Stories in Lebialem, Cameroon

© Denis Ndeloh

Cross River gorillas are found in isolated forest blocks including the Bechati-Fossimondi-Besali forest area in Lebialem Division, southwest Cameroon.…


Wildlife Crime in Cameroon and Operations' Impact

Abong Mbang, January 2008 (© LAGA)

Illegal trade in apes is an issue that has suffered from great confusion and lack of knowledge for a very long time. While endless popular bushmeat…


A GIS Habitat Map for the Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary, Cameroon

Kagwene monitoring (© Ymke Warren)

The Cross River gorilla is the most endangered of all great ape taxa, and its rare and increasingly fragmented populations continue to be threatened…


A New Approach to Gorilla Conservation: "Gorilla Guardians"

Potential gorilla guardians (© Amelia Stott, WCS Takamanda-Mone Landscape Project)

A new community-based approach to the conservation of some of the most remote (and hence least protected) groups of Cross River gorillas is currently…


Repair of the Solar Power System


The WCS research camp and eco-guard post perched on the forest edge at 1,800 m above sea level. Cross River gorilla monitoring and protection activities are coordinated from this camp. (© WCS, Aaron Nicholas)

The government of Cameroon announced on the 3rd of April 2008 the creation of the world's first sanctuary exclusively for the Cross River gorilla, and…


The Gorillas of the Ebo Forest, Cameroon

[Translate to Englisch:] Die Berge des Ebo-Walds bei Locndeng (© Bethan Morgan)

Cameroon is an important country for both gorillas and chimpanzees. To the south of the Sanaga River, western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla…


World's Rarest Gorilla Finds Sanctuary

The WCS research camp and eco-guard post perched on the forest edge at 1,800 m above sea level. Cross River gorilla monitoring and protection activities are coordinated from this camp. (© WCS, Aaron Nicholas)

The government of Cameroon announced on the 3rd of April 2008 the creation of the world's first sanctuary exclusively for the Cross River gorilla, and…


Equipment for Gorilla Census

[Translate to EN:] Einheimische Träger bringen die Ausrüstung für die Bestandsaufnahme in den Wald (© Pius Nkumba, WCS TMLP)

For their patrols in the Sarambwe Reserve during one year the rangers were provided with food rations.

Related News:
<link en journal issues journal-no-38 external-link-new-window>Additional Support when the Going…


Genetic Analysis in the Cross River Gorilla

Construction of a Ranger Post

[Translate to EN:] Der Rangerposten Bumaji (© Andrew Dunn)

In Bumaji (Cross River National Park) a new patrol post for the ranger was funded by us.



Affinities of the Ebo Forest Gorillas

Habitat Protection for Cross River Gorillas

Wildlife Law Enforcement in Cameroon

The Gorillas of the Ebo Forest

The Gorilla in the Nyanga Tradition

Protection Strategies for Cross River Gorillas

Gorillas in the Takamanda Reserve