Contents - a
African Conservation Foundation
Allied Democratic Forces/National Army for the Liberation of Uganda Muslim militant group founded in the 1990s.
Africa Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade. A declaration of intent and request for financial support by 29 African governments, 8 European countries, the EC, the USA and Canada. It refers expressly to the problem of forest destruction and the illegal bushmeat trade.
Alliance pour la Majorité Présidentielle. Party alliance that supports President Kabila, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Armée patriotique pour un Congo libre et souverain(-Rénové): rebel group in North Kivu
International coalition of organisations and individuals working for the conservation and welfare of apes.
Avenir des Peuples des Forêts Tropicales. (Future of tropical forest peoples)
The All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region & Genocide Prevention. A group for the prevention of genocide of the UK Parliament, House of Commons Select Committee on International Development.
Albertine Rift Conservation Society
African Wildlife Foundation. Conservation organization based in the USA.
The American Zoo and Aquarium Association
Contents - b
Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe e.V.
Bantu-Volk in Ostkongo, westlich von Goma
Tutsi, die aus Ruanda geflohen sind und sich im Kivu niedergelassen haben, vor allem in der Masisi-Region. Von der Regierung Zaires wurden sie wieder vertrieben.
Bantu-Volk in Ostkongo, im Südwesten des Kivusees
Bushmeat Crisis Task Force. AZA-Bushmeat-Projekt
Bwindi Mgahinga Conservation Trust (ursprünglich MBIFCT)
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. Deutsches Entwicklungshilfe-Ministerium
Contents - c
Coordination des Activités de Développement Autour de Kyavirimu. Congolese NGO for the development of the area around Mt. Kyavirimu (or Tshiaberimu), based in Butembo
Central Africa Forest Ecosystems Conservation: USAID project that supports the sustainable management of targeted forest landscapes across the Congo Basin
Central African Forest Initiative
Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere. American aid organization which is privately maintained; subsidiary organizations in many countries
Central African Regional Program in the Environment. A long-term initiative to address deforestation and biodiversity loss in the Congo Basin forests (supported by many organizations, e.g. USAID, WCS, AWF, CI, WWF)
Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking. Coalition of organisations that fight illegal trade with wildlife
Convention on Biological Diversity. UN-Vereinbarung zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt
Congo Basin Forest Partnership. Program introduced by the USA and South Africa during the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg
Conservation Breeding Specialist Group
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. A joint initiative of CI, GEF and others to advance the conservation of biodiversity hotspots
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Global partnership that brings together scientific organisations with funders of research on sustainable development
Conservation International. American conservation organization
Central Intelligence Agency. Geheimdienst der USA
Congolaise Industrielle de Bois (Congolese Timber Industry). Timber company in the Congo Republic
Center for International Forestry Research. A CGIAR Consortium Research Center
Centre International de Recherches Medicales de Franceville (International Medical Research Center at Franceville). Research center in Gabon
Convention for the International Trade in Endangered Species. Prevents or regulates international trade in endangered plants and animals as well as products made from them
Convention on Migratory Species. The CMS Secretariat is provided by UNEP and is based in Bonn, Germany.
Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple. Political movement of Laurent Nkunda
In 2016, the FDLR created a new group called the Conseil national pour le renouveau et la démocratie-Ubwiyunge, that should bring about the repatriation of Rwandan refugees and combatants from the DRC.
Coalition pour la Conservation au Congo. A support platform for the conservation of threatened areas, including the ICCN and its partners
Comité de Coordination du Site. A structure for planning and coodination of a conservation site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, under ICCN authority
Congo Basin Forests and Climate Change Adaptation. An initiative from CIFOR
Commission des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale. Intergovernmental organisation in Central Africa that works for the conservation and the sustainable management of forest ecosystems
Center for the Reproduction of Endangered Species. Zoological Society of San Diego's research center
Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles (Center for Scientific Research). Research center in Lwiro in eastern Congo
Conservation Through Public Health. Ugandan organisation that works for the "One Health" approach
Contents - d
Organization founded by Dian Fossey. Since its foundation, it has supported the Karisoke Research Centre in Rwanda, the rangers who patrol the area and the monitoring of the gorilla groups habituated for research. Today, DFGF also is working in Congo. DFGF International; DFGF UK/Europa
DFGF-E changed its name to Gorilla Organization.
Development Through Conservation. CARE project in Uganda concerned with the gorilla conservation areas
Contents - e
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria.
Conservation et utilisation rationelle des Ecosystèmes Forestiers en Afrique Centrale (Conservation and Rational Utilisation of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa). An EU program that supports seven projects in seven African countries (finished)
Environmental Investigation Agency.
Environment & Rural Development Foundation: Cameroonian non-profit organization working on research and conservation of great apes in Cameroon
Contents - f
Food and Agriculture Organization. UN organization for food, agriculture, forestry and fishery. Based in Rome, Italy
Forces Armées Rwandaises. Army of the former Rwandan government (under Habyarimana)
Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo. National army of the all-party government under Joseph Kabila
Forces Armées Zairoises. Zairean army (under Mobutu)
Forces de Défense du Congo. Milicia in eastern DRC that fight the FDLR since 2010
Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda). Rwandan rebel movement based in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
Forces Divines Simba. Local rebel group that exists since the early 1960s; after the assassination of Patrice Lumumba they hid in the Maiko forest and still live there
Fauna and Flora International (originally: FFPS). British conservation organization
Front de libération du Congo. Merger of MLC and RCD-ML
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade.
Force Combattante Abacunguzi. Fighting group of the FDLR
Front patriotique pour la paix-Armée du peuple: rebel group in North Kivu
Forest Stewardship Council. Grants certifications for sustainable logging practices
Freundeskreis für Ugandas Tierwelt (Friends of Ugandan Wildlife). German NGO; supports conservation projects in Uganda, especially in the national parks
Frankfurt Zoological Society. German conservation organization; based in Frankfurt Zoo
Contents - g
Gearing up 4Gorillas. British charity.
Great Ape Project. Its aim is to include the non-human great apes within the community of equals by granting them the basic moral and legal protection that only human beings currently enjoy.
Great Ape Trust of Iowa. Research center in Des Moines concerned with great ape studies that also supports great ape conservation
Global Environment Facility. World Bank program for the environment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Society for International Co-operation). Developmental aid organization of the German government (formerly GTZ)
Gorilla Rehabilitation and Conservation Education: sanctuary for Grauer’s gorillas
Great Ape Survival Partnership. UNEP program for the conservation of great apes
Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (Society for Technical Co-operation). Since 2011: GIZ
Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration
Greater Virunga Transboundary Secretariat
Contents - h
Human Rights Watch. NGO that investigates and exposes human rights violations
Human-Gorilla Conflict Resolution
Contents - i
Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation). Formerly: IZCN. National park authority in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
International Fund for Animal Welfare. Based in London
International Gorilla Conservation Programme (French: PICG). Successor to the Mountain Gorilla Project which managed gorilla tourism in Rwanda. Funded by FFI, AWF, WWF; based in Nairobi
International Institute for Environment and Development: research institute
International Monetary Fund
Hutu militia who prepared their villages for the genocide in Rwanda in 1994; they organized most village killings.
International Primate Protection League. Organization for the protection of primates
International Primatological Society. Scientific society for primate research
UN Integrated Regional Information Networks. Emergency relief information by OCHA; now The New Humanitarian
Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation. Institute of Mbarara University, Uganda; manages research in the national parks of southwestern Uganda.
International Tropical Timber Organization. Union of countries with timber export or import
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (French: UICN). Union of more than 800 governmental and non-governmental organizations. Based in Gland, Switzerland
Contents - j
Jane Goodall Institute. Organization for the conservation of chimpanzees (meanwhile also other wildlife) founded by Jane Goodall. Based in the USA
Contents - l
The Last Great Ape Organization. A young field-based organization designed to establish effective enforcement of local wildlife law in Cameroon.
Lord’s Resistance Army:was founded by Joseph Kony in Uganda in 1987 and spread to South Sudan, then to DRC and CAR
Contents - m
Rebel group in eastern DRC, around the gorilla sector of Virunga National Park
Morris Animal Foundation. American veterinary organization
Guerrilla warriors in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mgahinga Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Conservation Trust. (now BMCT) GEF project in Uganda
The Mountain Gorilla Conservation Fund. Initiated by Ruth Keesling
Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project. A MAF project in Rwanda for gorilla health care in the Virunga Volcanoes and the Bwindi Impenetrable Park
Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development in Cameroon
Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (Cameroon)
Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (Movement for the Liberation of Congo). Rebel movement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo led by Jean-Pierre Bemba
regular monitoring (a gorilla group)
UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, working until June 2010; successor: MONUSCO
UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (successor of MONUC), working from July 2010 to June 2011
Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders). International organisation of doctors for emergency aid
Contents - n
Nigerian Conservation Foundation. Nigerian NGO dedicated to the promotion of nature conservation
Nduma Defense of Congo(-Rénové): rebel group in North Kivu
New Partnership for Africa's Development
Non-governmental organization
Umbrella term and label for Congolese Hutu militia in Masisi and Rutshuru
Contents - o
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Office Rwandais du Tourisme et des Parcs Nationaux. Rwandan national park authority, now part of RDB
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. British relief organization
Contents - p
Programme d’Appui à la Conservation des Ecosystèmes du Bassin du Congo. A COMIFAC programme
Parti Lumumbiste Unifié - (allied Lumumbist party). Socialist opposition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Programme Aires Protégées d'Afrique du Centre et de l'Ouest. An IUCN programme
Plan d'Action sous régional des Pays de l'Espace COMIFAC pour le renforcement des Législations nationales sur la Faune sauvage. Action plan of the COMIFAC countries to enforce the wildlife legislation
Patriotes Résistants du Congo. Political wing of the Mai-Mai
Pan African Sanctuary Alliance. Cooperation of African ape and monkey orphanages
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
Pole Pole Foundation. Conservation and development NGO in Bukavu
Peace Parks Project (French: Projet Parcs pour la Paix). An IUCN project that specializes in cross-border protected areas. One of the areas included in this project is at the border Democratic Republic of the Congo/Rwanda/Burundi.
Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie. Party of President Kabila, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Contents - r
Umbrella term for Congolese militia recruiting from Rega, Kano and Tembo
Rebellengruppe in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Dissidenten der FDLR
Rassemblement Congolais pour la Democratie (Congolese Rally for Democracy). Rebel movement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. RCD-Goma (controls the southeastern part of the country); RCD-ML (coltrols the northeastern part of the country).
Rwandan Development Board. Rwandan authority that indludes the national park department ORTPN.
Rettet die Elefanten Afrikas (Save Africa's Elephants). German NGO based in Hamburg.
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
Refugees International.
Rwandan Patriotic Front. Army of Paul Kagame (French: FPR).
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Rassemblement unité et démocratie-Urunana: rebel group in North Kivu
Contents - s
Solidarité des Amis des Gorilles du Mont Tshiaberimu (solidarity of gorilla friends of Mt. Tshiaberimu: Congolese NGO that works around Mt. Tshiaberimu
Supporters of the former Congolese president Lumumba who was toppled by Mobutu. After his assassination they settled in the Maiko forest and have been living mainly from gold mining.
Species Survival Commission. IUCN commission which develops and carries out programs for the conservation of biological diversity.
Species Survival Network. Union of numerous NGOs that work together to achieve a better implementation of the legislation for species conservation.
Contents - t
British gorilla conservation organisation (formerly DFGF-E)
he wildlife trade monitoring network. A joint programme of WWF and IUCN.
Contents - u
Union des Associations de Conservation des Gorilles pour le Développement Communautaire à l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (Union of Associations for the Conservation of Gorillas and Community Development of the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo). Union of local NGOs that support the creation of 8 new reserves for gorillas to conserve natural resources and to promote development in the region.
United Nations Developmental Programme.
United Nations Environment Programme.
United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; World Heritage
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Uganda People's Defence Forces. Ugandan national army.
Union des patriotes pour la défense des innocents: rebel group in North Kivu
US Fish and Wildlife Service. American governmental organization.
United States Agency for International Development. Developmental aid organization of the USA Government.
United States Department of Agriculture
Uganda Wildlife Authority. Ugandan authority for wildlife conservation.
Contents - v
Voix de la Nature (voice of nature): Congolese organisation for conservation in cooperation with the local people
Contents - w
Wild Chimpanzee Foundation. Based in Leipzig, Germany.
Wildlife Conservation Society (originally: WCI). American conservation organization; based in New York. WCS program in the Republic of Congo
Wildlife Clubs of Uganda. Ugandan NGO.
World Food Programme (French: PAM). UN relief program.
World Health Organization (French: OMS). Based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Special UN organization which gives loans to projects in developing countries. IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; IDA: International Development Association.
World Resources Institute
World Society for the Protection of Animals. Animal protection network of more than 300 member societies in over 70 countries
World Wide Fund for Nature. International conservation organization. Headquarters of WWF International: Gland, Switzerland. Numerous national organizations; WWF USA: World Wildlife Foundation